Miss F as a Contemporary Teacher

Miss F as a Contemporary Teacher

As a passionate and committed support staff member, I am eager to infuse my positive attitude and inclusive teaching philosophy to further leverage digital beyond the delivery of content. I want to explore ways in which ICT, digital programs, web spaces and media can be used as an assessment tool, spark creativity and innovation, teach students real-world skills necessary for 21st-century learners (that ultimately prepares them for a new wave of occupations that haven't even surfaced yet) and among this, have an overarching inclusive teaching-learning pedagogy framing this - use technological aids and support programs, multifaceted presentation of learning encompassing students personalised learning approach, ways of connecting with school support networks and peers.

ICT in the classroom - Values & Beliefs

My values and beliefs about ICT in the classroom is a reflection of my experience across my professional practices and working in a support role in a newly developed secondary school. I have had experience in both the public and private sector and observed how digital technology and pedagogies are used. In brief, I feel there needs to be a balance and blend of ICT and physical resources to support all students ways of working, support personalised learning and achieve learning outcomes in more than one way. Using solely ICT/digital won't be as effective as blending physical resources to support authentic and deep learning.

Teaching-Learning Approach

My teaching and learning philosophy comes from a deep appreciation and passion for inclusion, learning support and individuality. It is my belief that every student is an individual, but they need to be accepted all the same. In a world full of diverse identities and ever-changing 'norms', I really believe the need for effective inclusion and personalised learning and support is critical in developing a generation of bright, confident and capable students. 

Unit Interaction: Digital Pedagogies in Secondary Education (EDSE12024)

I do not believe it is reasonable to conclude that feeling indifferent about the unit materials and activities initially, is to feel disinterested or unmotivated. In my first emotional response, yes I am anxious about the workload and balance of the assessment requirements and learning activities, however my interest and motivation is high due to my personal sense of purpose and relevance for this unit. I do feel it is an unfair assumption that going into a new learning experience equates to a disinterest however I can see how this may be interpreted as withdrawal from feeling anxious or daunted. I think this is just human nature and perhaps some psychology behind the 'fight or flight' response that can be sparked by new and overwhelming experiences such as a new unit.

As I mentioned above, my emotions moving forward in this unit is positive as I feel a sense of purpose and relevance for this unit. I currently work in a brand-new secondary school that completely leverages digital in the classroom. Coming into this unit I believe I have a good grasp on digital literacy and fluency however I am eager to learn new modes of ICT delivery, engagement, and learning.

Early Challenges - Values & Beliefs

Early challenges to my values and beliefs may imply that the most inclusive teaching practice must be to use only digital or only physical resources in order to have all students learn on the same basis. Additionally, my mindset of how digital should be leveraged can be challenged by future schools that I may work in or professional practices where resources are scarcely limited so finding ways to implement ICT in the classroom in this space presents a challenge itself.

ICT in the Classroom - Miss F's Experiences

I have experience with ICT in classrooms across my two professional practices but more closely in my position at a secondary school that fully leverages digital (hardware and software). I have seen ICT used for summative assessment (Socrative and Book Creator), formative assessment (Duo Lingo and Kahoot!), behaviour management (Classroom APP), ICP content organisation and access (Study Ladder) and use of multiple apps and programs compatible with students iPads such as Minecraft Education used in Geography. Lessons are structured and delivered through the Showbie program that acts as an online classroom and eBooks are created in place of physical notebooks using Notability. The digital technologies subject area, in particular, embeds all kinds of ICT and digital use such as robotics, augmented reality and creation and 3D printing and design through different iPad programs and apps. Daily I am supporting students in using this technology and ICT efficiently and positively and continuously learning about new ways to leverage digital across multiple subject areas and teaching styles.
