
Hello! I am... Miss A Forsaith

Welcome to my blog of exploration and learning through digital technologies and pedagogy! 

I am (technically) a 4th-year secondary education student at CQUniversity and have been studying since 2017 part-time through distance education and I LOVE it. My subject areas are Home Economics and English with a deep passion for inclusive education. 

Like most of us, I wanted to become a teacher because I had such impeccable teachers that I wanted to emulate and some questionable teachers I wanted to reprimand. Home Ec. was always such a comforting space and I enjoyed the variety of content it offered, more specifically the 'real-world' links to cooking for yourself, learning communication and listening skills, family structures, nutrition, basic sewing skills (this fueled my creative side) and my teacher was the sweetest, most caring and passionate woman who made me fall in the love with the subject. English I seemed to gravitate towards more so than the other 'core' subjects because I could express myself in different ways but poetry was my favourite expression. My senior English teacher taught me how to delve deep, how to reflect and see things from an open perspective - one very philosophical woman indeed!

As I reflect on in my previous blog posts, my experience with ICT and technology in my own secondary schooling was having a laptop cupboard in the classrooms that were only used during assessment periods, a computer lab or two or a trip to the library to use the PCs. Very few classrooms had smartboards and from what I remember, my school wasn't very advanced or creative in using ICT or digital modes for teaching-learning. I can fully appreciate the blend of physical resources and ICT use and to this day I still have a soft spot for stationery and writing my notes with cute headings and highlighters despite being a Gen Z myself.

Currently, I am a literacy & reading support teacher aide in the Inclusion and Engagement department in a secondary school that opened in Jan 2020. This has been LIFE-CHANGING. My school completely uses digital for teaching and learning across all subjects and I have had the pleasure of experiencing this. Every student is expected to have an iPad and every teacher uses a digital model of presentation and lesson/content delivery in all different kinds of ways! I am really looking forward to adopting some new ways and skills to leverage digital practices through ICT, web spaces, presentations and digital media use, not only to equip myself as a preservice teacher but as an EQ staff member working in a digital school.


  1. Ashley, what beautifully laid out blog, you have obviously had lots of experience with doing these types of digital tools, well done. I too am studying Home Ec/Hospitality and like you have worked as a Teacher Aide quite extensively and see the benefit of as much classroom time as possible before embarking on this amazing education journey. Your writing is succinct and engaging and I look forward to following your progress though this unit.


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